Eastman Photograph Collection: Results

Subject Description
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (8 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsSeal of the George Eastman House of Photography (original and 2 prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Works at Harrow, England (negative print)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (18 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (17 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (16 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (15 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (14 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (13 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (12 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (11 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (10 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (9 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (7 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (6 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (4 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 3 of 8)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 4 of 8)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 5 of 8)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 6 of 8)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 7 of 8)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 8 of 8) (2 copies)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (2 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (3 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (5 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsEmployees in front of first factory (original print); a snapshot taken with one of the first Kodaks
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: museum
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: auditorium
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: infirmary
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: cafeteria (two prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: office after a party - two men
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: dining room
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: machinery
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: carrausel overall view of assembly room
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: lens making at Hawk-Eye works
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: factory room
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: work room
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: work room
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: work room
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: employee at work
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: lens polishing at Hawk-Eye
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: employee at work
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: employees loading silver ingots in vault
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: employee loading silver ingots ready for dissolving in nitric acid
Kodak Park and Office buildingsEastman Kodak Co. office building: aerial view
Kodak Park and Office buildingsArchitectural model of second Kodak Tower
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak: the Evening Graphic Building
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (1 of 18)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsKodak Works: a foreign plant
Kodak Park and Office buildingsSeal of the George Eastman House of Photography (six prints)
Kodak Park and Office BuildingsKodak Park (negative)
Kodak Park and Office BuildingsKodak Park (negative)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsEmployees in front of first factory (copy print)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsEmployees in front of first factory (copy print)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1884-1914: Eastman Kodak Factory and Office Buildings (collage)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1884-89: Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co., Proving Department: Willias A. Bannister, operator; photo of young woman, accompanied by a letter from the Patent Dept. Museum to the George Eastman House, dated 1/13/1953. (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1889: Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co. (9 prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsSpring 1889: Employees of Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co.: names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1889: Eastman Dry Plate & Film Co. (2 prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co.: G.E. with an employee and a horse and wagon (three prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: The Eastman Co: taken with a #2 Kodak
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890's-1900: The Eastman Co.: view across the street from the offices
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employees: names listed on back (original print taken with #2 Kodak
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employees: taken with #2 Kodak; names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employees at the Eastman Co.: taken with #2 Kodak; names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890's: Employees: taken with #2 Kodak; names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employees
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employees: taken with #2 Kodak; names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employees: taken with #2 Kodak; names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings8/2/1890: Employee outing: The Eastman Co. Annual Picnic - Seneca Point, third place ribbon
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing: employees, names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing: employees, Henry (a chemist) and Homer Reichenbach (see G.E. - Friends) (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing(?): names listed on back (original photo) taken with #1 Kodak
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing(?): Miss Roberts (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing(?): Frank Mosher, taken with #2 Kodak; looks like he's going out for a day of picture-taking (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing: names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; Manitian Picnic. Names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; taken with #2 Kodak. Names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; taken with a #2 Kodak. Names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; Minnie Hoefler, G. Roache (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; G. Roache, Libby Wegman (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; taken with #2 Kodak; Simon Haus, M. Hoefler, Libbie Wegman, ?) (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; taken with #2 Kodak; M. Hoefler, Simon Haus (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing; Frank Spragur, Homer Reicheubach (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees at work (1 copy print, 1 negative print)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employee at work (on the phone) (two prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employee at work
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees at work (negative print)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees (print, negative print)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees at work
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees at work
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees at work in "sun" room (negative print)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; office (negative print)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; glan tables for coating? (negative print)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees in furnace room or forge?
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Eastman Kodak Co.: employees; names listed on back (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office Buildingsca 1890: Employee outing(?) - Lloyd van Winkle (employee), 945 Carson Ave., zone 9 (negative)
Kodak Park and Office Buildingsca 1890: Employee outing(?) - Lloyd van Winkle (negative)
Kodak Park and Office Buildingsca 1890: Employee outing(?) - Lloyd van Winkle (negative)
Kodak Park and Office Buildingsca 1890: Employee outing(?) - Lloyd van Winkle (negative)
Kodak Park and Office Buildingsca 1890: Employee outing(?) -Lloyd van Winkle (negative)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1890: Employee outing (Frank Mosher, M. Hoefler) (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1891: The Eastman Co.: taken with a #5 Kodak (original print)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1891: The Eastman Co. (three prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1891: Employees on factory steps: names listed on back (original print)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1891: Employees at Kodak Park: taken at the north door of building one
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1891: Kodak Park: drawing of buildings (two prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1891: Kodak Park (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings5/3/1891: Kodak Park: the first power house (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1891: Kodak Park, the reservoir; taken with #1 Kodak (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings5/30/1891: Kodak Park: group picture of President Harrison's visit (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1891: Kodak Park (two identical prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1891: The Eastman Co.: taken with a #5 Kodak (21 copy prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1891: The Eastman Co.: taken with a #5 Kodak (one negative print)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1891: Employees on factory steps: names listed on back (three copy prints, one negative print)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1892: The Eastman Co.: construction workers working in the street (two prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildings6/25/1892: Site of the Camera Works
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1892-93: Employees: names listed (two prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildings5/30/1892: Kodak Park: group picture; names listed with photo (Col. Strong, Pres. Harrison, Wm H. Taft included) (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1892: View of the street
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1892: Horses hitched to a loaded wagon (two prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildings5/3/1893: Employee outing(?): names listed on back; taken with #2 Kodak (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings5/3/1893: Employee outing(?): G.E. and others, taken with #2 Kodak (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1893: Kodak Park: the Engine Room (one of three original prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1893: Kodak Park: the Engine Room (two of three original prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1893: Kodak Park: the Engine Room (three of three original prints)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1893: Kodak Park: the Engine Room (copy print)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1896: Eastman Co. Offices: interior view of employees. at work (original print)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1896: Eastman Co. Offices: interior view (two original photos, 1 of 2)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1896: Eastman Kodak Co. office building- with snow.
Kodak Park and Office buildings1896: Eastman Co. Offices: interior view of employees. at work (copy print)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1896: Eastman Co. Offices: interior view (two original photos, 2 of 2)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1897: Eastman Kodak Co.: book leaf with three photos: .Headquarters-Camera Works --Boiler rooms --Interior Main Office
Kodak Park and Office buildings1897: Eastman Kodak Co.: Interior of Main Office on State Street; "Colonel" Strong (G.E.'s partner) seated at desk
Kodak Park and Office buildings3/2/1900: Eastman Kodak Co. Office: snow piles in the street (original - copy print)
Kodak Park and Office buildings3/2/1900: Eastman Kodak Co. Office: snow pile in the street
Kodak Park and Office buildings1902: Kodak Works at Harrow, England
Kodak Park and Office buildings1903: Employee: Wm. Schojan (written in G.E.'s handwriting) (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1903: Kodak Park: billboard
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1905: Premo Works (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1909: Eastman Kodak Co. Office: (three different photos, 1 of 3)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1909: Blair Camera Division (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1909: Eastman Kodak Co. Offices: construction of an entrance way
Kodak Park and Office buildings1909: Eastman Kodak Co. Office: (three different photos, 2 of 3)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1909: Eastman Kodak Co. Office: (three different photos, 3 of 3)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1909 (?): Kodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 1 of 8)
Kodak Park and Office Buildingsca 1910: Kodak Park: general view (copy negative)
Kodak Park and Office Buildingsca 1910: Kodak Park (negative)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1912: Eastman Kodak Co. Offices: construction (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1912: Eastman Kodak Co. Offices: construction (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1912: Eastman Kodak Co. Offices: construction of Kodak Tower (original photo)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1912: Kodak Tower
Kodak Park and Office buildings5/10/1913: Employees at Kodak Park
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1914: Kodak Park: employee baseball game
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1915-18: Eastman Kodak Co.: the Martin Building, 1873 State Street, the first site of the Eastman offices
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1915: Kodak Park (five original photos, 1 of 5)
Kodak Park and Office Buildingsca 1915-18: Kodak (The Eastman Co.); The Martin Building, 1873 State St., the first place on the street (glass plate negative)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1915: Kodak Park (five original photos, 2 of 5) Kodak Park: "The Eastman Photo Materials Co. Ltd."
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1915: Kodak Park (five original photos, 5 of 5) Kodak Park: "The Eastman Photo Materials Co. Ltd."
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1915: Kodak Park (five original photos, 4 of 5) Kodak Park: "The Eastman Photo Materials Co. Ltd."
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1915: Kodak Park (five original photos, 3 of 5) Kodak Park: "The Eastman Photo Materials Co. Ltd."
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1920: Kodak Park: kite photograph (post card - copy print)
Kodak Park and Office Buildings1921: Kodak; The Martin Building - the rooms G.E. used on the third floor (negative)
Kodak Park and Office Buildings1921: Kodak; The Martin Building - the rooms G.E. used on the third floor (two negatives)
Kodak Park and Office Buildings1921: Kodak; The Martin Building - the rooms G.E. used on the third, floor (negative)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (1 of 6)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (2 of 6)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (3 of 6)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (4 of 6)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (5 of 6)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (6 of 6)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1929: Artist's sketch of second Kodak Tower (?)
Kodak Park and Office buildingsca 1930: Kodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 2 of 8)
Kodak Park and Office buildings1954: Kodak Park: employee at work in Camera Works
Kodak Park and Office buildings1954: Kodak Park: employee at work in Camera Works
Kodak Park and Office buildings1954: Kodak Park: employees in Camera Works

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